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Creating CMF Tool leocornus_crypto

We need create a CMF tool for leocornus.plonecrypto to store encryption keys and provide management panel.  It will assign the following identifiers:

  • id : leocoruns_crypto
  • meta_type :  Leocornus Plone Cryptographic Tool


Tracking History

When Who What Done
2010-04-12 07:28 Sean Chen unit test cases base package and the basic test cases for leocornus.plonecrypto: r363
-- 0.5 Hours, 100.0% Done
2010-04-12 07:27 Sean Chen the CMF Tool called leocornus_crypto is created: r362. unit test cases will follow up.
-- 1.0 Hours, 75.0% Done
2010-04-09 07:26 Sean Chen Skeleton for distributing as a Python egg is done, checked in as reversion r361
-- 1.0 Hours, 20.0% Done
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