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You are here: Home Leocornus leocornus.tracclient Add option on my tickets list to show / hide closed ticket

Add option on my tickets list to show / hide closed ticket

closed tickets might be a lot.

more petential options in the future.

Default Option

The default option should alway be excluding closed ticket.

JavaScript Solution

Basically, we will use the protocol, host, and pathname attributes from location object to toggle include / exclude closed tickets. Here is a prototype

var local = jQuery(location);
var params = {};
params['includeClodes'] = 'true';
var newHref = local.attr('protocol') + "://" +
              local.attr('host') +
              local.attr('pathname) + "?" +
window.location = newHref;

This is question is very good:


Should we explore the jQuery DataTable lib to find possible customization to archive this?

Tracking History

When Who What Done
2013-10-18 05:16 Sean Chen Commit rb305c20f. added the checkbox with JavaScript to toggle include / exclude closed tickets.
-- 2.0 Hours, 100.0% Done
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