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Show projects summary on Trac page template

This should be a overall overview page to list all running projects. For each project, it should show the following summary:

Project Summary:

  • name, description
  • running milestones / sprints
  • total sprints
  • total tickets
  • closed tickets.

Using jQuery Masonry

As explained in jQuery Masonry document, we will have the following sturcture for the trac homepage:

<div id="projects>
  <div class="project">...</div>
  <div class="project">...</div>

For each project, we will list the summary for each running milestone. The summary for milestone will have the following statics data:

<div class="project">
  <h3>Project: project name</h3>

  <div class="milestone>
    <h3>Milestone: project milestone one</h3>
    <p>Due Date</p>
    <table><tbody>Progress table</tbody></table>
    <p>Number of Ticket: closed: 35 open: 20 new: 10 total: 65</p>

  <div class="milestone>
    <h3>Milestone: project milestone one</h3>
    <p>Due Date</p>
    <table><tbody>Progress table</tbody></table>
    <p>Number of Ticket: closed: 35 open: 20 new: 10 total: 65</p>

Enqeue the jQuery masonry libs.

Tracking History

When Who What Done
2013-04-05 05:33 Sean Chen r2d9b13de4e, r5b687160, r6c19865d, those are pretty much the default style for the summary page.
-- 3.0 Hours, 100.0% Done
2013-03-19 06:22 Sean Chen r4697856, get ready the basic staff, a lot work on styling are pending...
-- 4.0 Hours, 50.0% Done
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