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Projects Management Page

Project Metadata Constrains

We will introduce the following constrains for each project:

Project [name, description]
  milestone [name, description, due_date]
    [project-name] [major version number]
  version [name, description, releaseDate]
    [project-name] [minor version number]
  component [name, description]

Milestone, version, and component has hard constrains to project. Version has soft-constrain to milestone. The release date of version and the due date of milestone will associate versions to a milestone!

Management Page on Dashboard

  • Homepage: list of projects
  • add project, project form has a list of milestones and components
  • update project

Sample Projects

  • core
  • themes
  • plugins
  • search

Original Idea - NOT APPLY ANY MORE

Templates management page will list all page templates shipped with this plugin. It will offer the following hands-on functions:

  • list all templates: template name and file name.
  • ability to create symlink to current theme folder.
  • ability to download the template files
  • ability to show symlink status for each template file. If a template is symlinked, it should display the target's path starts with themes/

Tracking History

When Who What Done
2013-02-15 12:12 Sean Chen a set of commits related to this story. it a big story. rae1701163d, r65ee4fdb52, rd5c2be1922, r2226cb001c, r3d2ee3ab62, rfa18e455f6
-- 10.0 Hours, 100.0% Done
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