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Project Management Consideration

How to use this WordPress plugin to management a / any project?

Customize Workflow!

Basically, all actions related to owner has to be changed. All because the owner field has constrain to users. We need add another field called ticketowner to work as loosed owner field. The following workflow actions need update:

  • reassign change operation to none
  • accept change operation to none

Custom Field: Project

Add a new field called project.

In WrodPress, we will have the following interfaces:

  • Main page, with page slug trac, will list all projects.
  • Main page will also provide facilities such as ticket finder, a rich set of reports.
  • Main page will provide a page for user to create ticket: trac/?create-ticket. This form will allow user to select project from a dropdown list.
  • Sub page, with slug trac/project1, will list all tickets for project project1.
  • second level sub page, trac/project1/ticket, will show details info for a ticket and handle ticket update.

Quick Check List for Customization

we need customize the trac project as following:

  • install and activate Custom Ticket Fields plugin
  • install and activate Workflow Editor plugin
  • add custom field ticketowner for the loose constrain owner field.
  • Add custom field project to enable multiple projects within one trac instance.
  • customize the reassign action, update operation from set_owner to NONE.
  • customize the accept action, update operation from set_owner_to_self to NONE.

Final Decision

As research deeper, we find out that the owner field constrain is introduced by the Workflow. The set owner operations will set the owner to NONE if it could NOT find the user. So it truns out that we only need customize workflow to take out the following 2 operations:

  • set_owner operation for reassign action.
  • set_owner_to_self operation for accept action.

Tracking History

When Who What Done
2013-02-27 11:32 Sean Chen That's it for the first release! We will introduce project / component constrain in the next release.
-- 1.0 Hours, 100.0% Done
2013-01-29 12:40 Sean Chen r562c4ea, no need add custom field. But have to customize the default workflow to break the constrain for owner field.
-- 4.0 Hours, 90.0% Done
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