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Ticket Action Form

The ticket action form will used to manipulate a ticket's status, resolutions, and owners.

Actions on Workflow

Workflow is a combination of actions, status, and operations. Actions, as defined in trac workflow, will associate with status and offer operations to set next status. operation will site on an action and perfrom certain works, such as set owner, set resolution, remove owner, etc.

Operations in trac could NOT customized. As mentioned in Trac WorkFlow, available Operations are limited to the following:

  • del_owner
  • set_owner
  • set_owner_to_self
  • del_resolution
  • set_resolution
  • leave_status

The Workflow Editor plugin provides a very good view to manage and customize workflow, including:

  • Add new actions
  • Add new status


Returns the actions that can be performed on the ticket as a list of [action, label, hints, [input_fields]] elements, where input_fields is a list of [name, value, [options]] for any required action inputs.

Tracking History

When Who What Done
2013-01-28 12:58 Sean Chen rcf798019, get ready the comment and action form and submit action to update tickets on remote side.
-- 5.0 Hours, 100.0% Done
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