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WordPress User Name and Email auto complete

be able to show the user full name and email when user type more than 2 characters at the owner field.

The selection list should looks like the following:

Sean Chen - - seanchen

jQuery UI Autocomplete should be the one we look at.

How to use it in WordPress?

WordPress shipped with jQuery UI Autocomplete lib, this post Add jQuery Autocomplete to Your Site's Search talks a sample about how to use it for auto search complete.

Tracking History

When Who What Done
2013-02-01 10:13 Sean Chen r4ae9fb2, query both user_login and display_name columns to find the user name suggestions list.
-- 2.0 Hours, 100.0% Done
2013-01-28 10:53 Sean Chen r1110cf7 jquery-ui based autocomplete prototype.
-- 1.0 Hours, 60.0% Done
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