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You are here: Home Leocornus leocornus.tracclient Depends on CC field for Email notification.

Depends on CC field for Email notification.

the cc fields could save a list of ticket subscribers.

A comma-separated list of other users or E-Mail addresses to notify.

Note that this does not imply responsiblity or any other policy.


  • email address is allowed to be used in cc field, which as space or comma (,) delimited email addresses.
  • control of the trac instance email template.
  • Trac instance should have proper configed email delivery services.

Using Action / Hook approach

Load value of cc field in a hidden field.

We need hook to the following actions:

  • Assign owner action: corresponding trac actions: accept, reassign Eventually, we are using filter hook to ensure the cc fields before commit to Trac through xml-rpc.
  • Watch ticket action
  • un-watch ticket action

Tracking History

When Who What Done
2013-02-27 11:13 Sean Chen we mainly depends on Trac's notification function. The notify email template could be customized in file templates/ticket_notify_email.txt
-- 1.0 Hours, 100.0% Done
2013-02-22 12:51 Sean Chen re92197c, hidden input for cc field and using filter hook to ensure owner and reporter are in cc field. last thing is to customize notification email template.
-- 2.0 Hours, 80.0% Done
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